Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A thank you to Larry and his Wife

I woke up early today and studied for my midterms - left the apartment feeling really good (not to mention the weather in the mid-upper 60's) and caught the 23 on time!! A few stops after I got on, an old American couple got on with their Roma Passes and Rick Steve's book. Larry (I read his name off his Roma Pass) and his wife were in awe as we passed the Castel St. Angelo and turned down the Via delle Conciliazone - with the amazing view of Piazza San Pietro. We continued into Trastevere, and they smiled so wide, remarking that the Tiber must look so beautiful when the trees are in bloom, and that "this truly is an old city!" Larry's smile was from ear to ear as he hugged his wife close and opened their dog-eared, post-it'd Rick Steves book.
It made me so happy - thinking that this was their first time in Italy, first time seeing all the amazing sights, that I have become used to.
This was their big adventure.
This is my big adventure. Without Larry and his wife, I really don't think I would have realized it.
Every day I become more and more aware of how lucky I am to be experiencing Italy.
So thank you Larry, and your wife, for being in the right place at the right time, with your old Rick Steves book, and huge smiles.
I'll remember you both forever.

I took two midterms (Roman history and Italian) and got home in a daze.
My brain is soo fried from taking two huge tests.
I was barely thinking as I chopped an onion, two cloves of garlic, browned a package of ground beef and boiled a pot of pasta. I added Caprese Sauce and a little pizza sauce and it was amazing.
It truly amazing that a home-cooked meal can make the most hectic of days just melt away.

I'm studying for Ancient Rome and its Monuments, and putting on a movie.
Turning off my brain and enjoying my night with a bottle of water and a bar of chocolate.


1 comment:

  1. cool hillary, im so jealous of you!! by the way, i didnt know you could cook :)
